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Life Coach For Blogs (on Dogs)

Communism And Your Dogs Resource Guarding

Feel for dogs who struggle with Resource Guarding.

Obviously people have the impulse to rescue guard. The only difference is that it is not ok in dogs. We get emotional over objects. it’s a weird thing we do as people and it can ruin our dogs. 

A dog biting your hand for grabbing a toy is nothing, NOTHING compared to what will happen to you if you mess with my money. I’m a capitalist and a proud American. It’s not fair to hold dogs to that same standard.

What happens when you introduce a toy? Do they play with it and you happily? Can you take it away? Can you or another dog share food or take away the bowl? Can you pet another dog in front your dog?  .

If Not, your dog might be a capitalist. No one needs their dog to be Ronald Reagan treating you like you are oil in South America. They will get it at any cost no matter what the rules are.

Dogs don’t need capitalism.

Giving your dog unlimited access to chews, toys, and other things  can really backfire. Possession can lead to possessiveness of things, territory and certainly people.

If you introduce the concept of ownership to a dog, what is Stop them from owning you?

If capitalism in dogs is resource guarding, Then Your dog should be a communist. 

Dogs should have Jobs but no possessions. They don’t work for personal gain but for the state.

When I say Communism, I’m talking about the theoretical, Karl Marx, college classroom version of communism, Not the kind of real life kind of communism that sends dogs into outer space.

Indoctrinating your dog to their new political philosophy seems daunting, but it’s easy if you try.

Take the burden of materialism away from your dog

Imagine a world where there is one source for everything and there is no Scarcity. Everything provided is just what you need. No need for greed or hunger. This has never worked for people but the nation that exists in your house only has at most a couple of dogs. Thats a pretty manageable government.

it is up to you to allocate resources properly and responsibly.

Without possessions, your dogs relationship to objects will change. Unlike you dogs don’t need an expensive phone, car or a tug rope to be awesome.

Repeatedly buying 20 toys to destroy isn’t going to bring calm. Like the person  who talks too much about his boat, there is a line you cross where your possessions own you. Detach from your dog from their possessions and take stock of  what’s important to them.

Resource Guarding can be dangerous, and traumatizing for your family and your dog. But with patience, empathy, and hard work, you, your family and your dogs can live as one.